Over the past year, Microsoft has ceased support for applications (App Registration) using ADAL (Azure Active Directory Authentication Library) in favor of MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library). This transition means that security updates for older ADAL-based applications are no longer available.
To assist with this transition, Microsoft has updated the Workbook to help identify ADAL applications and facilitate the migration to MSAL.
For more detailed information, including step-by-step instructions on migrating ADAL apps to MSAL, you can refer to Microsoft's blog post: Migrate ADAL Apps to MSAL with Enhanced Insights - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-blog/migrate-adal-apps-to-msal-with-enhanced-insights/ba-p/4194361
he post covers:
- Enhanced Insights: The new Workbook provides enhanced insights into the usage of ADAL applications, making it easier to pinpoint which applications need migration.
- Migration Guidance: Step-by-step guidance on how to update your applications from ADAL to MSAL, including code samples and best practices.
- Benefits of MSAL: An overview of the benefits of switching to MSAL, such as improved security features, better performance, and ongoing support.
Make sure to follow the updated guidance to ensure your applications remain secure and up-to-date.